
Getting Out There

I've had some steady freelance design work since the spring, which is great for everything but my comics. I even forgot I had this blog going until I had a great conversation with a local comic book artist today, Justin Hubbell. When I saw the work he's putting out there, I was instantly excited to get back to the comics. So how do I balance a full-time job, freelance design work, and my passion projects? I don't now yet, but I'm working on it.

Rachel is incredibly supportive and doesn't hold it against me when we put the kids to bed and I just draw until I pass out. But, you know, I like spending time with my wife too. So I need to find balance! 

I've been working on a website that will combine my graphic design and comic work. I put some work up on Society6 this summer but I think this is just the beginning of getting myself out there.